If you're looking for auto insurance and you're under the age of 25, you already know that rates are much higher for you than they are for people who are over that age. Unfortunately, the younger you are, the higher your rates will be. If you're a teenager, your rates may be so high that you can't afford insurance. There is a reason for the premiums being so high, and if you take a few minutes of your time, you can dramatically reduce the amount that you pay for insurance...
Lowering your monthly premium should be your ultimate goal when looking for insurance. Chances are that you will not get in an accident in which you have to utilize the entire deductible amount. In fact, less than 5 percent of policies will ever pay out over the full deductible amount over the lifetime of the policy. So the first thing you should do is raise your deductible so you don't waste any money on your monthly premiums.
If you are still in school, many schools or community centers will offer a defensive driving course for free or for a reduced price. For something that could cost you less than twenty dollars, you could be saving up to twenty percent off your insurance. It only takes, on average, about four hours, and that will save you hundreds per year.
If you haven't already bought your car, you should talk to your insurance agent about which cars are the cheapest to insure. Typically less expensive cars are cheaper, but there are certain models that are even cheaper than others because their theft rate is lower than the others. You should also take into account certain safety features such as anti-lock breaks, an alarm system and daytime running lights. Usually these do not cost any more, and some cars have them standard stock. Each one of these features greatly reduces the rate that you'll end up paying.
Lastly, when it comes time to buy insurance, you should check different companies to see what the different prices are. You should compare at least ten different companies and check out what they have to offer. You can try doing this by calling or visiting every single insurer yourself, but there are entire companies and websites dedicated to doing this for you. You simply enter your information once and it will give you quotes from many companies, both the big three and other smaller ones. You'll be surprised at the huge difference sometimes.
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