Finding the best auto insurance company requires that a variety of different variables are investigated to discover how the companies stack up against one another in what they offer. Taking a look at the premiums and the overall rate schemes is just half of the discovery. The other half of finding good car insurers requires that the total coverage and liability offered by the company is examined so as to compare the rate coverage across the board from company to company. If key North American statistics are considered as relates to automobile insurance, there becomes some clear choices in terms of what consumers are looking for from their auto insurance providers.
The biggest of the motor insurers for America is Esurance, a company that offers insurance quotes online. Upon arriving at the web page (://, customers can get their car insurance online quote within minutes by simply inputting their zip code and some basic facts. Esurance offers 24-hour, seven-day customer support service and has a plethora of online options for getting your quote and your policy information as quickly as possible.
The second on the list of car insurers is Progressive Insurance. Progressive Insurance offers comparisons to their competitors, right on the website, and claims to be able to deliver a quote in eight minutes through their representatives. They also have over thirty thousand brokers across the United States.
GEICO Direct, in the third spot, offers a friendly gecko as a mascot in their advertisements and has a claim center online for registering accident claims or other issues in a relatively short amount of time. GEICO also boasts friendly service and a quick quote process that enables the customer to find the best quote within minutes.
Fourth, 21st Century Insurance brings about easy-to-manage policies and online bill payments as a part of their way to get in touch with their customer base quicker than the competition. 21st Century Insurance also offers to car insurance quote online as quickly as possible, enabling customers to find their car insurance quote on the website at their convenience.
In the fifth spot on the list of contenders for best auto insurance company is Comparison Market. Comparison Market promotes themselves as being able to stand up in bold comparison to any other insurer to offer their clients the best rates possible. They offer a lot of news on their website (:// and also offer instant online quotes.
You will find that the American Automobile Association, Car Insurance Quotes, Mercury Insurance Group, the National Motor Club, and Hagerty Insurance round out the list of the top ten car insurers. These companies promote similar systems to the aforementioned and still compete for your premium car insurance insurance dollars. Car insurance is the product that these companies sell and, without a doubt, car insurers will continue to haggle over the best rates of car insurance for years to come.